For a lot of parents, their biggest concern for their teenagers is getting them to clean their rooms. However, for other parents, their only concern is wondering if their kids will even live to see tomorrow. Substance use among children and adolescents is growing at alarming rates and they are starting drug use earlier and earlier in life every day. So, the biggest question here is what in the world is causing these kids to use drugs in the first place? Let’s talk about the risk factors that put our kids in a position to use. One of the risk factors that predispose these kids to drug use is having a family history of substance use. Our kids are watching you more than you realize and if you think that they don’t know what you’re doing, guess again. Some parents may even have a favorable attitude towards substance use and yes, this includes marijuana. A lack of parental monitoring and supervision plays a huge role as a risk factor. There is nothing wrong with knowing what your kids are doing and who they’re with. It is good practice to get to know the peers that your child hangs out with and know who their parents are. It’s not being nosey; it’s being a good and involved parent. Mental health has even seen a rise in the number of children and adolescents who have been treated for mental health disorders. The problem with this risk is that mental health issues can mimic or mask substance use disorders. How do we stop this, you ask? Well, first and foremost there has to be parental involvement within that’s life, regardless of whether your child feels like “they can’t do anything because they feel that you are too strict.” If this is the case, then you must be doing something right. Parents need to be against substance use of any kind, regardless of how harmless they may think it is. Parents need to connect with their child’s school and be involved in their school activities. Be in the loop. Make it a regular thing that you call and speak to their teachers to find out how they’re doing in school, are there any issues that need to be addressed? Parents should become involved in their community, get to know their neighbors, and encourage their children to do the same. It’s time to put the game system controllers down and go outside, meet the neighbors, or help out an elderly person. It's time to get back to societal system of values, principles, and morals. We need to bring back the family dinner time and put away the cell phones.